Mary Crystal "Chris" Cage
Mary Crystal “Chris” Cage, 65, passed away Saturday November 21, 2020 from complications due to congestive heart failure.
Chris moved back to Sacramento in 2005 after she developed congestive heart failure and was forced to disability retire. She still led a full life keeping in contact with many friends she made during the years. Most recently she served as a volunteer patient advocate with her health care provider, Sutter Health.
She enjoyed movies especially Marvel action films, keeping up with politics and reading mystery novels, specifically police procedurals, a legacy of her police beat days. She also loved birds and kept a pair of budgies who passed last spring. She was active in two local bird clubs, volunteering for several activities.
Chris had an interesting career, starting as a police beat and education reporter for the Sacramento Bee. She moved to Washington DC and worked as a writer for the Chronicle of Higher Education, a national education journal, before securing a position in Public Affairs for Teachers College, which is part of the New York State University system in New York City. Chris retired after serving a brief stint in administration for the union representing the university professors of Teachers College.
She earned a bachelor’s degree in journalism from the California State University, Fresno. She is a 1979 alumnae of the Summer Program for Minority Journalists held at UC Berkeley.
She is survived by her niece, Sarah Cage and Sarah’s son Noah, who live in Sandy Hook, Connecticut.
Rest in peace, Chris.