Maynard Institute Co-Executive Director Evelyn Hsu will be a panelist at the 2023 National Association of Black Journalists Conference at 1:30pm on Friday, August 4, 2023 Wednesday, May 10, 2023, in Birmingham, Alabama. The session titled How to Transform Newsroom Diversity and Inclusion Practices in a Sustainable Way will highlight organizations that are helping newsrooms build sustainable solutions to their DEIB issues.
In 2022, the American Press Institute launched its Inclusion Index. The Index reveals inequitable practices via targeted research of newsroom practices. In February, API completed its first cohort-based project in Pittsburgh. The Maynard Institute has also launched a project focused on DEIB transformation. This pilot program pairs two newsrooms with consultants experienced in training journalists on DEIB issues. Resolve Philly has worked with newsrooms on DEIB issues since 2019. Its Modifier project provides an array of solutions to newsrooms seeking transformational change.
Panelists include:
- Rod Hicks, Society of Professional Journalists
- Aubrey Nagle, Resolve Philly
- Letrell Crittenden, American Press Institute
- Evelyn Hsu, Maynard Insitute
About the Newsroom Transformation program
Funded by the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, the Maynard Institute’s Equity & Belonging Newsroom Transformation program leverages an embedded coaching model to help news organizations better inform underserved communities and establish workplace cultures of belonging. The goal is to help newsrooms become more equitable and inclusive in their reporting, workplace, and in the communities they serve. The team of consultants piloting the program curriculum work closely with Maynard Institute facilitators who are steeped in the Fault Lines® training methodology. Learn more about the program and read the blog about the selected newsrooms, GBH and The Gazette.
*Attendees must be registered to attend this in-person event.